Summer Company
The Summer Company Program is now open and accepting applications (a full, completed business plan).
The deadline to submit a business plan is Friday, May 23, 2025.
To apply, contact the BECN for more information and to received business planning assistance.
The Summer Company Program is an opportunity for eligible youth to be provided with business skills development, training, advice & mentoring. Eligible applicants can receive up to $3,000 to start their own business.
Applicants must meet all requirements as listed below, please contact the Business & Entrepreneurship Centre if you have any questions.
Participant eligibility
- A student between 15 and 29 years old (a parent or guardian must sign the application for applicants under 18)
- Starting a new business (if you’re unsure, contact Program Provider)
- Attending school and returning to school in the fall (this includes full-time, part-time, homeschooling, e-learning, distance learning, apprenticeships, trade schools, etc.)
- A resident of Ontario
- A Canadian citizen or a permanent resident
- Not working at another job or attending school for more than 12 hours per week during the duration of the program
- Following the Canada Revenue Agency definition of being self-employed
- Able to work over the summer program period:
- A minimum of 280 hours if you’re a high school student
- A minimum of 420 hours if you’re a post-secondary student
Business eligibility requirements
- Is a sole proprietorship or a corporation where you (the applicant) will be the majority shareholder
- Is an independent business venture
- Operates in Ontario
- Operates full-time as defined in the business plan
- Follows government rules and regulations for operating a business
- Businesses must meet all of the above requirements
Businesses not eligible for funding
- Partnerships/co-operatives
- Franchises
- Distributorships
- Incorporated businesses that are controlled directly or indirectly by a person who would not be eligible for a Summer Company award
- Business ventures that are subsidiaries or divisions of an existing business
- Business ventures that are continuations of existing commercial endeavours
- Commissioned sales
- Multi-level marketing ventures
- Single events such as a theatrical production, a DJ gig, a music concert, a dance/party event, a fundraiser, a sporting tournament, etc.
- Businesses that are strictly pay per click
- 1-900 businesses
The program gives students the full experience of running their own business.
Note that:
- The program provider may, at its discretion, determine that a particular business is ineligible for the Summer Company program
- Online businesses are acceptable, but there must be face-to-face opportunities to market and sell your product
- App and tech businesses must be market ready and must generate sales by the end of the summer
- If you plan to run a business that requires certification, you’ll need to show proof to your program provider. If you’re unsure about certification obligations, ask your program provider. Certification examples include:
- Food handling certification for businesses that produce and/or sell food
- National Life Saving certification for businesses that offer swimming lessons
- Canada Professional Fitness Certification (CanFitPro) for businesses that offer personal fitness training
- Licenses for businesses that specialize in drone photography
To apply, contact the BECN to get started.
Applicant is responsible for planning business operations with completion of a business plan, meeting with Program Coordinator and submitting start-up expense list. If your application is accepted, you will be eligible to receive an upfront award of up to $1,500 to put toward start-up costs and up to $1,500 upon successful completion of the program. Successful completion requires that you:
- Implement your project substantially in accordance with the business plan
- Participate in coaching and training
- Provide documents related to the experience and business operations as required in the guidelines
- Meet all program requirements for establishing and operating the business
Once approved, you’ll be required to:
- Sign a Letter of Agreement with the program provider describing each party’s rights and responsibilities (a parent or guardian Must sign the agreement for applicants under 18)
- Sign a Release and Consent form (a parent or guardian must sign the form for participants under 18)
- Show your business name registration and any required licensing documents to your program provider for verification
- Spend your first payment within the first 30 days
- Operate your business over the summer program period, according to your business plan and cash flow, for:
- a minimum of 280 hours if you are a high school student
- a minimum of 420 hours if you are a post-secondary student
- Meet with your local program provider and mentors for a minimum of four meetings to review and track your progress
- Agree to one site visit by the program provider
- Maintain appropriate business records of income and expenditures including receipts
- Participate in business training with your program provider
Term of the program
You may decide to start and/or continue your business while you’re in school, but for the purpose of the program’s administration, business operations can start no earlier than April 1 and must end by Labour Day.
The grant is taxable under the Canada and Ontario Income Tax Acts. A T4A slip will be issued to the recipient of the award.
Additional program information
This program is delivered by Northumberland County and supported by the Province of Ontario.