Paramedic Services Feedback

Ambulance and emergency response feedback

If you would like to provide feedback, make a complaint or share a compliment about Northumberland Paramedics' emergency first response and ambulance services, please complete our online form.

Share feedback on emergency services

Someone from our department will respond to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, please contact our office at 905-372-3329 ext. 6302.

Community Paramedicine client feedback

Are you a client of Northumberland Paramedics' Community Paramedicine program for non-urgent, at-home care? Our team will send you quarterly surveys to complete by mail. These surveys help inform the delivery of the Community Paramedicine program, on a local scale.

Please keep an eye out for these surveys in the mail, and share your feedback by completing the survey and mailing it back to our office.

Share feedback with the Ministry

In addition to our team's quarterly surveys, you can also share your feedback directly with the Ministry of Long-Term Care and Ministry of Health, by completing their online surveys for clients, caregivers and family members. Feedback collected from these surveys will go directly to the Ministry, to help determine if Community Paramedicine programs are meeting the needs of clients, caregivers and family members, and to inform future improvements and next steps for the programs.

Complete the Ministry of Long-Term Care survey

Complete the Ministry of Health survey