King Street East Redevelopment, Colborne

Preliminary designs are underway for the redevelopment of 123 King St. East in Colborne. This redevelopment, which will be phased in over multiple years starting in 2025, will increase the number of subsidized and market rent housing units at this location from 22 to up to 60 units. This will add to Northumberland County Housing Corporation (NCHC)’s existing stock of 372 units across Northumberland.

Increasing the number of affordable rental units at 123 King Street East represents a significant step forward in County and NCHC efforts to address the pressing need for affordable housing in our community.

This property, including the existing 22-unit apartment complex, came up for sale in 2023. Northumberland County, in partnership with NCHC, purchased the property to help preserve the local stock of deeply affordable housing in Colborne. A feasibility study confirmed that the property is ideal for redevelopment and could support the construction of up to 4 three-story buildings. The new development will offer a variety of unit types, including smaller and larger apartments to accommodate different needs.

A phased approach to construction will ensure current tenants are able to continue living in their existing units until the new units are built. At that time, all tenants in good standing will transition to the new accommodations.

Redevelopment status 


The demand for affordable housing continues to surge, with waitlists for community housing extending up to a decade, and the vacancy rate remaining critically low in Northumberland. The average household income in Northumberland County is below the provincial average, making affordability a critical issue.

  • Northumberland residents face one of the lowest vacancy rates in Ontario at just 1%.
  • Access to rental housing in Northumberland is limited, particularly in larger urban areas, where the rental market is characterized by high rents and low vacancy/availability rates.
  • Data indicates that 48% of local renter households are spending 30% or more on housing costs.
  • The waitlist for community housing in Northumberland is 10 years in some communities and has grown more than 300% in the last 10 years, with over 1,100 households on the waitlist.

About the Northumberland County Housing Corporation 

The Northumberland County Housing Corporation (NCHC) is a community housing provider in Northumberland County with over 372 owned and operated housing units. The NCHC provides rent-geared-to-income (RGI) and affordable rental options to low-income households in Northumberland.

Northumberland County is the sole shareholder of the NCHC and gives direction to its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for the budget, upholding corporate by-laws, agreements, and reports; and for long-range strategic planning. The Board of Directors is comprised of County Council representatives, the Chief Administrative Officer of Northumberland County, and citizen directors.

Apply for subsidized housing 

To apply for Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) housing, please visit our Subsidized Housing page.

Stay tuned for more information about how to apply for market rent units.


We invite you to email any questions or comments about the King Street East Redevelopment to the project team.

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