Slow Your Roll

woman driving slow in carNorthumberland County is your neighbourhood. And because it's yours, we want you to drive like it is.

Help increase the safety of our roads for drivers and pedestrians. Join us in the commitment to ‘Slow Your Roll’ by pledging to follow posted speed limits while driving in Northumberland and to increase community safety by promoting safe driving practices.

How you can slow your roll

  1. Take the online pledge
  2. Look for your free removable ‘Slow Your Roll’ window cling in the mail
  3. Attach your Slow Your Roll window cling to your vehicle so fellow motorists know that you Slow Your Roll

Take the Pledge

Help spread the word

To help share your dedication to driving at safe speeds and to help spread the word about the importance of safe driving, we invite you to take a photo of the cling on your vehicle and share it with us so we can share it on our Facebook and Twitter feeds.

You can share your photo with us by one of the following options:

  • Post your photo on Facebook, tag us (@ncounty) in the image or caption and use the hashtag #SlowYourRollNthld
  • Post your photo on Twitter, tag us (@nthld_county) in the image or caption and use the hashtag #SlowYourRollNthld
  • Email us your photo and your first name

Learn more about safe driving

This campaign is an initiative of the Inter-municipal Public Works Committee:

Logos of Northumberland County, Township of Alnwick Haldimand, Municipality of Brighton, Town of Cobourg, Township of Cramahe, Township of Hamilton, Municipality of Port Hope, and the Municipality of Trent Hills

With support from:

Logos for Cobourg Police Services, the Ontario Provincial Police and Port Hope Police Services