Tenant Information

If you live in one of Northumberland County Housing Corporation (NCHC)'s units, we are your landlord. We are committed to providing important information and support to our tenants.

Maintenance requests: For household repairs such as leaky faucets, plugged toilets, electrical issues, no heat, bug problem, locks not working or lost keys, please contact the Facilities Department’s Administrative Clerk at 905-372-3329 / 1- 800-354-7050 ext. 2356.
After-hours emergencies: Please contact 1-866-951-7956.

Annual renewal package

As a NCHC tenant, you are required to complete an Annual Eligibility Review form once every 12 months. 

You also need to have all assets verified by your bank, trust company, credit union or other financial institution. Please print off copies of the Verification of Assets form to provide to your financial institution.

Internal transfer requests

There are instances when tenants need to transfer to larger or smaller units or to another location. Internal transfers are mainly due to health reasons or changes in family size. Sometimes internal transfer is needed for a tenant who has been a victim of abuse in the home. In this case, there are additional forms to complete.

You may contact your Housing Services caseworker to discuss your reason(s) for a transfer request.

Apply for a transfer

If you want to apply for a transfer, you must complete and submit the appropriate form below, and submit it to Northumberland County Housing Corporation by email or in person to 555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, ON K9A 6J7.

Internal Transfer Request form

You may require additional forms if you request a transfer for one of the reasons below:

Tenant Complaint Process

Review the tenant complaints process for information on how complaints are resolved. 

Tenant Complaint Process

To Submit a complaint, please fill out the Tenant Complaint form below. 

NCHC Tenant Complaint Form

Maintaining our units

Facilities department staff and a Housing Services caseworker will inspect your unit once a year (usually in the spring). This annual inspection focuses on health and safety. You will be notified of the date of your inspection in writing. 

For household repairs, please contact the Facilities Department’s Administrative Clerk at 905-372-3329 / 1- 800-354-7050 ext. 2356.
For after-hours emergencies, please contact 1-866-951-7956.

Our policies

As a NCHC tenant, it is your responsibility to review and abide by NCHC's policies. 

Adherence to Service Manager Directives Policy

Review for clarity on the intention of NCHC to adhere to Service Manager directives and to consider discrepancies between NCHC Policies and Service Manager directives. 

Adherence to Service Manager Directives Policy 

Air Conditioners Policy

Review the established guidelines for air conditioning units installed in NCHC units. 

Air Conditioners Policy 

Chargeback Policy

Review the repayment requirements for willful damage and neglect by tenants, former tenants and/or their guests. 

Chargeback Policy 

Complaints Policy

View the established policy for resolving NCHC tenant complaints in a fair respectful manner. 

Complaints Policy 

Eviction Prevention Policies

Eviction Prevention for non-payment of rent

Review the established approach for dealing with non-payment of rent that creates opportunities for tenants to retain their housing. 

Eviction Prevention for non-payment of rent Policy 

Eviction Prevention for Social Issues

Review the established approach for dealing with various behavioural issues exhibited by tenants that creates opportunities for tenants to retain their housing. 

Eviction Prevention for Social Issues Policy 

Excessive use of Utilities included in rent Policy

Review for more information on how excessive use of utilities will be addressed and charged with respect to tenants whose rent is inclusive of utilities. 

Excessive use of Utilities included in rent Policy 

Exterior Spaces Policies 

Exterior Spaces - Apartment Units  

Review the requirements for the preservation and upkeep of all NCHC owned properties. 

Exterior Spaces - Apartment Units Policy 

Exterior Spaces - Townhomes 

Review the requirements for the preservation and upkeep of NCHC owned properties. 

Exterior Spaces - Townhomes Policy 

Guest and Visitor Policy

View the established policy for tenant responsibilities with respect to guests and visitors. 

Guest and Visitor Policy 

Internal Review Policy

Review the established internal review system for NCHC to ensure transparency with respect to prescribed decisions under the Housing Services Act, 2011 that affect individuals in rent-geared-to-income (RGI) units. 

Internal Review Policy 

Laundry Facilities Policy

View the established policy for information on the laundry facilities provided in NCHC units. 

Laundry Facilities Policy 

Mandatory Tenant Insurance Policy

Review the mandatory content and liability insurance required for NCHC tenants. 

Mandatory Tenant Insurance Policy 

Misrepresentation/Subsidy Eligibility Policy

Review the established policy for information on tenant responsibility for accurately reporting income and/or household composition. 

Misrepresentation/Subsidy Eligibility Policy 

Motorized Vehicles, Vehicle Registration and Parking Policy

Learn more about the vehicle registration requirements at NCHC units. 

Motorized Vehicles, Vehicle Registration and Parking Policy 

No-Smoking Policy

Review the established no-smoking policy for all buildings and properties owned and operated by the NCHC. 

No-Smoking Policy 

Outside Contractors, Alterations, Repairs and Additions Policy

View the requirements for installation, alteration and repair work completed within NCHC units. 

Outside Contractors, Alterations, Repairs and Additions Policy

Pet Policy 

Review the requirements for NCHC tenants with pets. 

Pet Policy 

Rent Arrears Policies

Rent Arrears for Current Tenants 

View the established procedures for the collection of rent owing to NCHC. 

Rent Arrears for Current Tenants Policy 

Rent Arrears for Past Tenants 

View the established procedures for the collection of arrears from past tenants. 

Rent Arrears for Past Tenants Policy 

Satellite Cable Policy 

View the established policy for more information on the installation of various types of television and internet entertainment. 

Satellite Cable Policy 

Security Camera Policy 

Review the established guidelines for the use of video surveillance cameras in NCHC facilities. 

Security Camera Policy 

Transfer Policy 

View the established guidelines for existing tenants of NCHC who wish to transfer to another unit managed by NCHC.

Transfer Policy  

Unit Inspections Policy 

Review to learn more about the annual inspections required by law to be completed on NCHC units.

Unit Inspections Policy 

Use of Common Rooms Policy 

Review the established guidelines for use of common rooms in NCHC buildings. 

Use of Common Rooms Policy