Northumberland County introduces updated navigation and new metrics for Performance Dashboard

laptop sitting on a table with the County's updated Performance Dashboard displayed on the screen.

Cobourg, ON – August 28, 2024 – Northumberland County has published a performance update for the second quarter (Q2), highlighting progress towards the goals set in the 2023-2027 Community Strategic Plan. Earlier this year, the County launched a new online Performance Dashboard to keep residents informed about the current state of key priorities. The dashboard now features 32 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track specific aspects of service delivery. It also includes 14 Community Health Indicators (CHIs) that provide insights into social, environmental, and economic trends in Northumberland County, but over which the County has limited influence or control. With the addition of 13 new KPIs and CHIs in Q2, the total number of tracked metrics has increased to 46.

“Our Community Strategic Plan serves as a roadmap to foster intentional growth, enhance quality of life, and ensure sustainable development,” states Northumberland County CAO, Jennifer Moore. “The expanded Performance Dashboard offers a comprehensive tool that showcases how we are delivering on our plan and key services, while also providing insights into trends in the health and well-being of our community.”

In addition to the 13 new metrics introduced in Q2, the web-based dashboard has also been enhanced with a more intuitive layout and design, along with updated user-friendly graphics, facilitating easier navigation. The performance dashboard is not only a valuable resource for residents but also a critical planning tool for staff, enabling continuous monitoring and real-time adaptation of strategies to better serve residents and allocate resources effectively.

“Measuring our progress is vital to delivering high quality services. These KPIs help us identify areas of success and pinpoint where improvements are needed,” added CAO Moore. “This transparency fosters accountability, builds trust with residents, and encourages us to strive for excellence.”

Some Q2 performance highlights include:

  • 100% of curbside waste collection issues were addressed within one business day of being reported by residents, exceeding the target of 95%.
  • Paramedics helped to reduce Community Paramedicine client visits to hospital for non-emergency concerns by 88%, exceeding the target of 80%.
  • The goal to increase additional licensed childcare spaces to 410 by 2026 is on track with a current 2024 increase of 14%.
  • Public Works is on target to resurface 134 kms of County and municipal roads by the end of September.
  • The Emergency Preparedness team's efforts in solar eclipse preparedness were recognized by Emergency Management Ontario for their exceptional support, accurate public outreach, and success in building public trust.
  • The goal to support the launch of 60 small businesses in 2024 through the BECN is on track, with an increase in Q2 bumping the status to 48% achieved.
  • Court Services processed an average of 47 Provincial Offenses charges per courtroom operating hour, surpassing the target of 45.
  • 98% of road permits were issued within ten days of receiving a completed permit, just shy of the 100% target.
  • Legislative services posted 90% of all committee and council meeting minutes within three business days, approaching a target of 95%.

A snapshot of Community Health Indicators for Q2 includes:

  • An average of 84.3% of spaces were occupied in the emergency shelter system for people experiencing homelessness.
  • The number of development proposals received by the County was 4.8% higher than Q2 2023 numbers.
  • The number of septic permits issued increased by 10.8% over Q2 2023 numbers.

To view all metrics tracked and to learn about the County’s progress in delivering on Community Strategic Plan priorities, visit: