Proclamation - Dig Safe Month, April 2024

Event: Dig Safe Month 

Date: April, 2024 

Whereas annual damages to Ontario’s underground infrastructure caused by excavation events number in excess of 4,500 per year; and

Whereas these events cause negative impacts to the Ontario public and our province’s economy; and

Whereas the Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA), formed in 2003, whose purpose is to enhance public safety and utility infrastructure reliability through a unified approach to effective and efficient damage  prevention, consists of some 500 members dedicated to this purpose, including Ontario1Call; and

Whereas the Canadian Common Ground Alliance (CCGA) and the ORCGA have worked collaboratively to produce the ‘Underground Infrastructure Damage Prevention – Best Practices’ handbook to assist in reducing infrastructure damage associated with excavations; and

Whereas the ORCGA annually promotes many educational events across its thirteen (13) Geographic Councils which cover all of Ontario, including the Dig Safe Kick‐Offs in April and ‘April is Dig Safe Month’, to raise awareness of the importance of proper excavation practices;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved That I, Warden Brian Ostrander, on behalf of Northumberland County Council, do hereby proclaim April 1-30, 2024 to be ‘Dig Safe Month’ in Northumberland County.”

Dated this 20th day of March, 2024 

Brian Ostrander, Warden