Reports, Plans and Studies

Review our reports, plans and studies to learn more about our various projects, goals and strategies.

Please note some large/historic documents that are currently not available online may be available upon request. If you require Council agendas, minutes or by-laws from prior to 2021, or a document that is not available for download below, please complete our Resource Request Form.

Please note all of our reports, plans and studies are available in alternative format upon request. Please submit your request using our Alternative Format Request form or call 1-800-354-7050 ext. 2327.


Accessibility reports and plans

Learn more about our accessibility policies, Accessibility Annual Status Report and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.

Asset Management

Asset Management Policy

Asset management ensures that we maintain and properly look after our assets. This policy will support the County in focusing its infrastructure efforts on managing risks, addressing priorities, and meeting short and long-term needs within the bounds of available funding.

View our Asset Management Policy

Asset Management Plan

Municipalities across Ontario are facing challenges to fund their infrastructure at levels that ensure sustainability due to aging assets, increasing renewal needs and pressures from a changing climate and growing population.  

In response to Ontario Regulation 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure, Northumberland County has prepared comprehensive Asset Management Plans for core infrastructure assets (roads, bridges, large culverts, retaining walls and storm sewers), corporate facilities, fleet, natural heritage and road infrastructure detailing the state of these assets and how to make the best possible investment decisions.  

These Asset Management Plans enable County staff to make informed decisions regarding the operation, maintenance, renewal, replacement and disposal of our assets.

Canada 150 

150 Stories and Images of Arrival

In recognition of Canada 150, the County released a publication entitled '150 Stories and Images of Arrival in Northumberland County'. The publication captured 75 stories and 75 sets of images from people detailing their own immigration experience - or that of their family members - to Northumberland County.  

The Canada 150 project was conceived and produced as a part of Northumberland County's ongoing work through its immigration portal, growing and sustaining newcomer business investment and settlement to the area.

View the publication below, or download an accessible PDF version.


Communications Master Plan

Northumberland County's 10-Year Communications Master Plan 2023-2033 is designed to guide the organization’s efforts to build more inclusive and effective public services and greater trust in local government by fostering a community that is informed about County services, and engaged in shaping municipal priorities, policies, and programs.

Learn more about our Communications Master Plan

Community and social services

Affordable Housing Strategy

Ensuring both the availability and the affordability of housing are important for fostering a strong and vibrant community. The focus of the Northumberland County Affordable Housing Strategy is to increase the supply of housing throughout Northumberland at various levels of affordability, in order to meet the needs of our residents.

This strategy recommends 44 actions to help address key local housing gaps. These actions include policy and process changes, as well as planning and financial incentives that the County and member municipalities can use to encourage the development of additional affordable rental and ownership units.

Community and Housing Master Plan

To learn more about the County's commitment over the next six years to address the community's housing system, please view our Community and Housing Master Plan 2023-2028.

Early Learning and Child Care Services Plan 

In 2018, Northumberland County’s Early Years Services Division initiated a comprehensive community engagement project to identify priorities, actions, and indicators of success for the Early Years Sector. The result of this consultation was the creation of a rich and ambitious Early Learning and Child Care Service Plan to guide the system from 2019 through to 2024.

View the Early Learning and Child Care Services Plan Update

Food Support

View our 2023 Feed Change Report to learn more about local food support and to view our food distribution and usage data for food banks and school nutrition programs in Northumberland.

10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan

Northumberland County's 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan outlines a long-term vision and strategic plan for affordable housing and homeless related programs and services, and identifies objectives that reflect the unique issues and needs of our area.

View the Northumberland Housing and Homelessness Plan 2019-2029 

An accessible version of this document is available upon request.

Housing and Homelessness Annual Reports

Each year, we release an annual report highlighting community partnerships that provide housing and homelessness supports for Northumberland residents:

Homelessness Support System Review

In 2023, Northumberland County commissioned a third-party review to develop recommendations for advancing a community-wide response model of infrastructure and services to support those experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.

Economic development

Economic Development Master Plan

An Integrated Economic Development Master Plan bolsters the local economy and ensures the community's continued vibrancy. In creating an Integrated Economic Development Master Plan for Northumberland, the Economic Development department conducted face-to-face consultations and sought input from over 100 key community stakeholders. The mandate in creating this draft plan was to provide an ongoing framework for development – to insure that the qualities that make the County unique remain a critical component of future work.

View our Economic Development Master Plan.

Emergency management

Emergency Management Plan

View our Emergency Management Plan.

Energy consumption and emissions

Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions reports


Annual reports

Learn more about our services, accomplishments and financial health in our financial annual reports.


Forest Management Plan 2021-2041

Northumberland County has developed a Northumberland County Forest Mangement Plan to guide the sustainable management of the County Forest over the next twenty years.

This high-level plan identifies strategies and long-term goals to strengthen recreation opportunities in the Forest, while ensuring strong natural and cultural heritage conservation practices designed to preserve this community asset for future generations. 

The plan incorporates feedback gathered over four years of public consultations with residents, forest user groups, First Nations communities, local municipal councils, advisory committees and stakeholders, which took place from 2018 to 2021. 

View the Forest Management Plan

Golden Plough Lodge (long term care)

Golden Plough Lodge reports and plans

Golden Plough Lodge (GPL) is our long-term care home. Learn more about the GPL's services and values:

Northumberland County Archives and Museum

NCAM Strategic Plan

Learn more about Northumberland County Archives and Museum.

NCAM Strategic Plan 2020-2023

Official Plan

Official Plan

Learn more about our Official Plan.

Roads and engineering

Cycling Master Plan

The Cycling Master Plan (CMP) was created as a guide to enable the planning, financing and implementation of a countywide cycling network.

The CMP includes several cycling routes, and various road improvements and upgrades that comprise a 20-year planning horizon. Furthermore, the CMP includes the implementation of signage and infrastructure improvements as well as awareness programs that promote education and safety procedures to cyclists and motorists.

County Council finalized and endorsed the CMP in 2012 with the involvement and support of an avid group of cyclists and the County's member municipalities.

View our Cycling Master Plan.

Environmental Assessments

County Road 2 EA

Northumberland County initiated a Class Environmental Assessment for improvements to County Road 2 (from Hamilton Road in Port Hope to William Street in Cobourg) to address operational deficiencies and the need for additional east-west transportation capacity in the area. The study is an opportunity to study and consider alternative traffic improvement strategies that:

  • Improve accessibility
  • Promote sustainability
  • Respect culture
  • Create a complete street

To receive a digital copy of the County Road 2 EA Report and appendices, please submit a request using our Resource Request form.

Master Drainage Plan

Map of Master Drainage Plan Study Area

Northumberland County has initiated a Master Plan to identify a drainage plan for the overall study area. The County completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for County Road 2, from Burnham/William Street in Cobourg to Hamilton Road in the Municipality of Port Hope, that was approved by the MOECC in 2016. The EA recommended that a Master Drainage Plan (MDP) be developed for the study area.

The intent of the MDP is to:

  • Confirm existing and proposed drainage patterns as well as future development plans in the study area
  • Address existing flooding issues at the Unnamed Watercourse 07 East
  • Develop future development targets for stormwater in the study area to assist developers, the County, Town of Cobourg and Hamilton Township with development review and approval

This study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements for Master Plans of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015).

Learn more about this project

Reconstruction of Thompson Bridge

The County of Northumberland is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for the Reconstruction of the Thompson Bridge, located on Skinkle Road, approximately 1.55km north of County Road 29 in the Municipality of Trent Hills. As part of the Environmental Assessment process, options for the bridge reconstruction will be reviewed to determine the preferred solution.

Rehabilitation of Dartford Bridge

Northumberland County has retained HP Engineering Inc. to complete a Schedule ‘B’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the rehabilitation of the Dartford Bridge, located approximately 1.65 km west of County Road 25 on County Road 24 in Dartford, Municipality of Trent Hills. The study will include a review of structure rehabilitation alternatives and associated potential impacts on the study area environment.

Following completion of the Environmental Assessment, the County will move forward with detailed design and securing of approvals. Construction is envisioned to be completed within the next five years as part of the County’s construction program, pending budget approval.

Trent River Crossing EA

On June 18, 2014, Northumberland County Council endorsed the recommendation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) study to:

  1. Build a new bridge across the Trent River in Campbellford between Second Street and Alma Street
  2. Plan to replace the existing Bridge Street bridge at the end of its structural lifespan in about 30 years.

To view the Environmental Study Report and supporting documents, visit the project page on Join In Northumberland:

Learn more about this project

Intersection improvements on County Road 18 at Telephone Road and Danforth Road West

The County of Northumberland Transportation Master Plan completed in 2017 reviewed collision rates at the intersections along County roads and identified the intersections with the Top 10 highest collision rates and provided recommendations for future improvements.

County Road 18 at Telephone Road and County Road 18 at Danforth Road West were both included on the Top 10 list in the Transportation Master Plan with recommendations to provide dedicated turning lanes. The County has further reviewed the portion of County Road 18 that includes these two intersections and developed a plan to implement the turning lane recommendations along with other improvements to address sightlines at Telephone Road and the skew angle at Danforth Road.

Proposed improvements

The proposed improvements will include:

County Road 18 (Burnham Street North) and Telephone Road Intersection Improvements
  • Widening of the road to accommodate a proposed northbound left turn lane to address existing conflicts between left-turning and through traffic on county Road 18 at Telephone road.
  • Lowering of the road profile, up to 1.0 metres, to flatten the existing crest curve through the intersection and improve sightlines for vehicles turning on to county Road 18 from Telephone Road.
  • Removal of a concrete box culvert historically used as a livestock underpass.
  • Installation of proposed concrete curb & gutter and a storm sewer system to minimize impacts to existing utilities, vegetation, private property, and overall grading impacts.
  • Regrading of the existing roadside ditching to improve stormwater drainage with the road right-of-way.

View a map of the County Road 18 and Telephone Road intersection improvements

County Road 18 (Burnham Street North) and Danforth Road Intersection Improvements
  • Widening of the road to accommodate a proposed northbound right turn lane to address existing conflicts between right-turning traffic and through traffic on County Road 18 at Danforth Road.
  • Placement of fill material and subsequent culvert extension to improve the roadside sloping within the northeast quadrant of the intersection.
  • Potential Hydro utility pole relocation to accommodate road widening.

View a map of the County Road 18 and Danforth Road intersection improvements

Salt Management Plan

View the 2024 Northumberland County Salt Management Plan.

Transportation Master Plan

In 2014, we embarked on the development of a Transportation Master Plan (TMP), which will be a guide to County Council and staff in determining how to improve our transportation services. Following an extensive consultation and development process, County Council adopted the TMP in March of 2017. The TMP provides a long-range planning document that will assist decision makers in establishing and prioritizing the needs of the County's transportation infrastructure.

View our Transportation Master Plan.

Service Delivery Review

Service Delivery Review

View the Northumberland County Service Delivery Review

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Learn more about our mission, vision, values and key priorities:

View our 2023-2027 Community Strategic Plan


GO Expansion Business Case & Economic Impact Study

In 2015, the County engaged in discussions with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and Metrolinx to advance the case for expanding GO Transit service coverage to Northumberland County, specifically to Port Hope and Cobourg. In 2017, the County completed its first Transportation Master Plan (TMP), which recommended completing a business case study for the extension of GO transit services into the County and continuing discussions with Metrolinx to improve regional transit connectivity.

To align with the TMP recommendations, in May 2019, the County retained AECOM to develop a business case and implementation strategy for the extension of GO Transit service beyond Bowmanville through to Northumberland County and assess the economic challenges and benefits to the County, member municipalities, and the Region as a whole.

View the GO Expansion Business Case and Economic Impact Study

The Case for the Return to Service of VIA Rail Canada Commuter Train Services

A partnership of concerned municipalities, comprised of the Counties of Northumberland and Hastings and the cities of Kingston, Belleville, and Quinte West, issued a report Sept 8, 2022, urging VIA Rail Canada to restore commuter Train 651 – a vital link between Eastern Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area. Train 651 was suspended during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic and was not returned to service. In response, the report The Case for Getting VIA Train 651 Back on Track: The Critical Importance of Commuter Train Services for Eastern Ontariowas produced, detailing the critical need for return of the service for Train 651.

View the report


Long-Term Waste Management Master Plan

The Long-Term Waste Management Master Plan guides our programs and services to achieve our long-term goal of keeping 75% of residential waste out of the landfill.